Thursday, January 22, 2009


Deja Vu isn't really like thinking, "Hey...this has happened before!" at all. It's more like a sudden feeling of familiarity that passes as quickly as it approached. Afterwards, you're left wondering what it was that MADE everything seem so familiar all of a sudden.

But obviously that exact event only took place at that exact time. Why was there confusion as to WHEN it took place (the past or the present)? It seems that such a confusion would be impossible, because we all know that events ONLY occur in the present. But sure enough, there is this occasional fleeting moment of uncertainty.

Anybody who has experienced deja vu (most people I've met) can tell you that there is a single moment when there is quite a bit of certainty that the exact event (not a re-enactment) has taken place before...but that moment of certainty passes through the current of time the precise moment proceeding it.

How is this possible? If we assume that time is constant and unchanging, there is simply no chance we experienced that moment twice. In order to be confused about your reality, you need an alternate reality to compare it to. If there is nothing to compare to, there could be no confusion. What if we ARE comparing to an alternate reality?


What if we assume that time is NOT constant and unchanging? Perhaps it can expand and contract, making an accurate detection of its passing difficult to measure.

What if is IS constant, but we are not strictly bound to it? Similar to floating with the current of a river and suddenly deciding to swim against it, or perpendicular to it.

Actually, a river isn't a bad analogy at all. Think of up-river as your past and down-river as your future. You create a smaller path within the river because you are so much smaller...meaning that the width of the river contains the entire scope your destiny, yet you can control which "side" of that destiny you will end up on (veering left or right [good or evil]). The mouth of the river can represent what lies beyond this life (the river). What about after the mouth of the river?




Do it all over again (dum-dum!) :-)

I think I'll call this idea "CHURCH OF WATER CYCLE". Maybe I could get a motorcycle that is for "official church use only!" I could put a sticker on it that says: CHURCH OF WATER-CYCLE MOTOR-CYCLE!


Okay...back to deja vu...

WHAT IF the momentary confusion is caused be being suddenly removed from that reality, and then replaced back in to exactly the same moment (well...maybe slightly off - thus the confusion)? What happened while your consciousness wasn't in this reality? In this "time". Maybe somebody was talking to you. Maybe you were somewhere else ENTIRELY for eons while this reality stood still and waited for you to come back.

I don't think time passes at strict intervals. If I hold a stop watch for 30 seconds and ask 30 random people how much time had passed (without looking at the stopwatch, of course), how many different answers do you think I would get? People conducting this test in the past have gotten results ranging from 15 seconds to 4 minutes. Supposing the stop watch is an accurate representative of time, then this should show that we are NOT bound by time. 15 seconds go by for some, 4 minutes go by for others, while time maintains its own separate course. But suppose that the people being subjected to the test had the REAL accurate perception of time, and the watch was wrong.

Who knows? Fun to think about!

Question Everything


  1. I get déjà vu everyday. Seriously. I have no idea why, and it sometimes does freak me out in the sincerest of ways, but every new face I see I recognize from what appears to be a dreamworld of mine. And then it seems that I already know their personality fairly well. The effect is mostly at its strongest when dealing with faces and generally people, but it also works with places and random information. My mind is weird...

  2. Wow! That's crazy. Do you have any speculations as to why this happens?


About Me

Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
I am one of many individuals who have taken a great concern with the fact that we don’t communicate with one-another about topics that are (as we see it) of great importance. It is my goal to inspire intelligent discussions about ideas and concepts, in which the participants (including myself) are open to the possibility of being wrong and corrected. I hope that eventually humanity will stop resorting to violence to settle our disagreements, and begin using words along with the unbound potential of the mind.